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Biosphere Chamber is an activity in The ClueFinders 5th Grade Adventures: Secret of the Living Volcano.


In order to release the captives of the aliens, Owen and Leslie must use the computer on the aliens' spaceship to create predator-prey simulations that will demonstrate that two species can survive together. One predator species and one prey species must be selected. Then the player must choose the starting number of animals for each species. The birth rate for each species is provided beside its name, and the player can use this information to decide which which species to choose and how many to start with. Then the player must press the start button to initiate the predator-prey simulation. The computer will simulate the increase and decrease in the species' populations for 4 Sorlax (approximately 200 Earth years). If both species can survive for this period of time, then the specimens in the biosphere chamber can be freed.


This activity has four levels. Each level has a larger number of predator-prey combinations than the last.


  • The background music for this activity was re-used in two areas in the 6th Grade Adventures game (once for an activity and again in a hub)